Saturday, November 22, 2008
Of coarse everyone thinks their kids are great but I think I might have the sweetest little girl ever. I am getting them ready to go get an old fashion photo taken...that, for the record, is NOT my style and my mom insisted on it AND I am 99% sure I won't purchase.....Anyway, I got my butt kicked at work today and am super tired. Will is tugging on my shirt as we speak because he can not handle me sitting, (anywhere) especially at the computer! I got online to check my email and my regular blogs. Congrats Alysen!!!! I thought I might sneak in five minutes of peace. Averi is bouncing off the walls because she gets to pick her own outfit for the pics! HA! She says she is picking something like Kathy would pick....Little does she is NOT going to be "her fashion!" That makes me laugh out loud!!!! So, I sat sown at the computer and nicely ask her to please calm down for just a few minutes so I can read something. She said yes mam and stood there starring at me for about 30 seconds until she started climbing up my chair and put her head next to mine, never saying a word.......I let her sit there for a few minutes and finally started to ask her what she was doing. She stopped me and said, "SHHH! I can tell your thinking about something and I want to hear it!" :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Name change
Brownie's name has been changed to Yankee. Averi made the official change today when she brought her friend Zoe to meet him.......That's all I have for today....gotta watch my shows. And I'm reading The Shack and can't put it down. It is really good and very thought provoking. Exercise your brain...READ! I guess you are. I wonder if blogs count? Enjoy your evening!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hi! Hope everyone is enjoying the cold, wet, Fall weather! I just made Bucky lunch and put Will down for a nap. After we ate, Bucky was walking out the door and my mom called. All I could hear was her yelling, "Averi talk to your mom and tell her the horses are out, all of them!" So I grabbed Bucky and asked him to stay here and told him I'd be right back. I headed to Mom's in a panic. As I turned on her road she called again and said I don't see yours but mine is in the yard. Me: Did you catch him? Mom: No Me: Did you look in the pasture for mine? Mom: No but you don't have to come Terry is on his way. Me: I'm on the road I'll be right there........I pulled in, her horse looked at me and never moved. I ran into the pasture calling for Vita and Fuente and the two darling fatties were standing there eating grass, oblivious to the fact that the gate had been WIDE open all morning! I LOVE them! So, a little drama but no physical exertion! I caught Sonny for mom and Terry fixed the gate. Only a 20 minute delay in Bucky's strict work schedule! Thank goodness he was home for that one! :)
I keep forgetting to tell you we got a little but feisty surprise over the weekend! ANOTHER HORSE! Sigh.....the kids and I went to the horse sale on Friday night. No we are/were not in the market for another horse but there isn't a lot to do around here and it can be entertaining if you like that sort of thing. Most of my friends would rather pull their own teeth (Kathy!) but the other of my friends sometimes go too and then it's even more fun. By the way the horse market stinks so I like to see how good of a horse you "could" get for the money "if" you were a horse sale that is so that statement alone sort of contradicts itself...Anyway. sweet, skinny, wormy, little "Brownie" has a new home. He's a stud (for now) and he's Averi's! Thanks Mom!
I keep forgetting to tell you we got a little but feisty surprise over the weekend! ANOTHER HORSE! Sigh.....the kids and I went to the horse sale on Friday night. No we are/were not in the market for another horse but there isn't a lot to do around here and it can be entertaining if you like that sort of thing. Most of my friends would rather pull their own teeth (Kathy!) but the other of my friends sometimes go too and then it's even more fun. By the way the horse market stinks so I like to see how good of a horse you "could" get for the money "if" you were a horse sale that is so that statement alone sort of contradicts itself...Anyway. sweet, skinny, wormy, little "Brownie" has a new home. He's a stud (for now) and he's Averi's! Thanks Mom!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Moose Meat
Hi! Sorry I'm a cruddy blogger again. Blame it on my husband. Just kidding! He gets points this week because he just went with me and the kids to see Kathy and her kids. Don't get me wrong, he LOVES Kathy. He does not love "car rides in go karts when your sitting on top of loud kids!" See, I have yet to see my "new car" and am STILL driving the "cat car" so, we borrowed my mom's to take to Iowa. It's little but we only spent $24 on gas! Kathy had dinner ready on Sat. when we got there and that made it all worth it for Bucky. BEEF! Ah, yummy, juicy red meat! I love it!
Now let me explain, Bucky brought home moose from Canada......yeah, moose, that we're supposed to EAT. And that means....cook.....and I don't know how to COOK MOOSE! Nor do I care to ever learn....Anyway, the first couple of times Bucky grilled some and I tried it and I have to say it was not that bad. The very first time I tried it I sorta let myself think it was good. That idea was clouded by the fact that we have the equivalent to three beefs in moose meat and it was free (sort of). Since I've known Bucky I have been conned into trying several random animals that he or his dad OR MOM has shot. I don't like them. In my opinion that SHOULD get you off the hook for EVER being expected to eat them again, but, oh no! It's the exact same conversation every time we eat at Bucky's parents'. "Try it, try it again! You'll like it this time." And guess what? I never stinkin' like "it".
By the way, I'm never rude about it. I just quietly fix my plate and eat and hope that Frank doesn't zero in on what I do or don't have on my plate. Ha! This is funny. If I ever do slide by without him calling me out. The next time we eat there he tells me exactly what I ate last time and that he knew I liked it only because I didn't know what it was. Yeah right! I call that manners, NOT ignorance!
So, that should help you better understand my appreciation for a great big steak! I'm off to the grocery store.........Mandi, I named this blog entry just for you!
Now let me explain, Bucky brought home moose from Canada......yeah, moose, that we're supposed to EAT. And that means....cook.....and I don't know how to COOK MOOSE! Nor do I care to ever learn....Anyway, the first couple of times Bucky grilled some and I tried it and I have to say it was not that bad. The very first time I tried it I sorta let myself think it was good. That idea was clouded by the fact that we have the equivalent to three beefs in moose meat and it was free (sort of). Since I've known Bucky I have been conned into trying several random animals that he or his dad OR MOM has shot. I don't like them. In my opinion that SHOULD get you off the hook for EVER being expected to eat them again, but, oh no! It's the exact same conversation every time we eat at Bucky's parents'. "Try it, try it again! You'll like it this time." And guess what? I never stinkin' like "it".
By the way, I'm never rude about it. I just quietly fix my plate and eat and hope that Frank doesn't zero in on what I do or don't have on my plate. Ha! This is funny. If I ever do slide by without him calling me out. The next time we eat there he tells me exactly what I ate last time and that he knew I liked it only because I didn't know what it was. Yeah right! I call that manners, NOT ignorance!
So, that should help you better understand my appreciation for a great big steak! I'm off to the grocery store.........Mandi, I named this blog entry just for you!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Morning! Hope everyone is adjusting well to the time change! Will woke up at 5 on Sunday morning! What? Last night Averi kept crying about her stomach hurting. We thought she just ate too much Halloween candy........She went to bed about 8:45 and at 1am she was throwing up. Poor baby! SO, I was up with her around 6 and guess what, Will slept until 8! Of coarse Bucky was in bed with him and he said he goes back to sleep because he sings to him. I guess I need a better singing voice! I sing to him! It just doesn't work that well for me!
I am super excited about Christmas this year. I'm usually a Scrooge until about the week before but I think I would put my tree up today if I had time! Not sure why the change of heart but I CAN NOT WAIT to shop and decorate and cook and eat. By the way as I type this Averi is yelling, "I want that! Momma, look! I want that!" At EVERY commercial! The last one was that make your own Build-a-bear kit. She says it every single time there is a girl toy on TV. It's pretty funny, actually! I can remember doing that. I guess she will be easy to shop for this year. Not sure what the little wild man will get. My mom thinks he "needs" a riding toy because he LOVES to ride in Averi's Barbie Jeep. I think he would like it but I'm not sure he could make it go yet. And I think it would be much more fun to give him something like that when he's big enough to ask for it. Sounds much more exciting to me.....Surely there is a happy medium on the market that I haven't seen yet. Any ideas? Have a good day!
I am super excited about Christmas this year. I'm usually a Scrooge until about the week before but I think I would put my tree up today if I had time! Not sure why the change of heart but I CAN NOT WAIT to shop and decorate and cook and eat. By the way as I type this Averi is yelling, "I want that! Momma, look! I want that!" At EVERY commercial! The last one was that make your own Build-a-bear kit. She says it every single time there is a girl toy on TV. It's pretty funny, actually! I can remember doing that. I guess she will be easy to shop for this year. Not sure what the little wild man will get. My mom thinks he "needs" a riding toy because he LOVES to ride in Averi's Barbie Jeep. I think he would like it but I'm not sure he could make it go yet. And I think it would be much more fun to give him something like that when he's big enough to ask for it. Sounds much more exciting to me.....Surely there is a happy medium on the market that I haven't seen yet. Any ideas? Have a good day!
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