Monday, November 3, 2008


Morning! Hope everyone is adjusting well to the time change! Will woke up at 5 on Sunday morning! What? Last night Averi kept crying about her stomach hurting. We thought she just ate too much Halloween candy........She went to bed about 8:45 and at 1am she was throwing up. Poor baby! SO, I was up with her around 6 and guess what, Will slept until 8! Of coarse Bucky was in bed with him and he said he goes back to sleep because he sings to him. I guess I need a better singing voice! I sing to him! It just doesn't work that well for me!
I am super excited about Christmas this year. I'm usually a Scrooge until about the week before but I think I would put my tree up today if I had time! Not sure why the change of heart but I CAN NOT WAIT to shop and decorate and cook and eat. By the way as I type this Averi is yelling, "I want that! Momma, look! I want that!" At EVERY commercial! The last one was that make your own Build-a-bear kit. She says it every single time there is a girl toy on TV. It's pretty funny, actually! I can remember doing that. I guess she will be easy to shop for this year. Not sure what the little wild man will get. My mom thinks he "needs" a riding toy because he LOVES to ride in Averi's Barbie Jeep. I think he would like it but I'm not sure he could make it go yet. And I think it would be much more fun to give him something like that when he's big enough to ask for it. Sounds much more exciting to me.....Surely there is a happy medium on the market that I haven't seen yet. Any ideas? Have a good day!

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