Thursday, December 25, 2008
Ladies and gentleman I am blogging from my brand new, so pretty I am scared to touch it, very own laptop! I guess my awesome husband was actually listening to my whining about our computer being crappy and he must have felt sorry for me because he got me a new one! THANK YOU BUCKY!!! It is very shiny and fast and has lots of memory. Do you know what this means? It will actually let me download pictures!!! Yes, it has that much memory!! I don't really have that much time tonight but I plan to get this thing figured out tomorrow so stay posted! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! We really enjoyed our day together and we get to spend the whole day together tomorrow too! No where we have to be, just hang out! Right after some much needed sleep! Night!
Friday, December 19, 2008
HI!!!! SO sorry I fell of the wagon again! Still no pictures but I thought I'd share an update on our busy life. We have all been funky lately! I am home sick today. WHAT? I did not have that scheduled! Will started throwing up at Lois's ( his babysitter which we are SO blessed to have!) on Tuesday. Wednesday it was the other end so I sent him to my moms. Wednesdays are my late night so Bucky usually picks them up but he couldn't stop throwing up long enough to get home from work so....thank goodness they were at mom's. I picked them up when I got off. Will was feeling much better........Averi puked all over me in the night! Yuck! She felt fine when she got up Thursday morning. Or so she said. She had a baking date planned with my grandma so she went and about 11:00 am......MY TURN!!! THANK GOD I was off yesterday!!! I was so sick! If this tells you anything, I called Bucky home from work, had him bring soup and Sprite and take over with the kiddos! I called all my clients about 8:30 last night to let them know I probably wouldn't be there today. I fell awful, I never call in and it's so busy right now I don't know where everyone is going to fit before Christmas!! Anyway, I think I'm over throwing up but then again I'm scared to eat. Now it's just all the achy, weak crap from not keeping anything in. Aren't you guys glad I blogged? :)
Tomorrow we are headed to Buffalo to have Christmas with my dad. We had planned to go down Sunday morning BUT, has anyone ever heard of Maple Street Grill? It's a locally owned restaurant in Buffalo and I LOVE IT! If we go Saturday night we can eat there! Done! I made this executive decision on Wednesday while I was on the phone with my dad. I was SO worried yesterday that I wouldn't feel like eating that on Saturday. I think I'll be fine! As a matter of fact I already know what I'm going to order...Black jack steak with a baked potato and salad! YUMMY! I love food!
Happy Birthday Amber!!! I hope you feel better and get your steak and sushi for your birthday!
Tomorrow we are headed to Buffalo to have Christmas with my dad. We had planned to go down Sunday morning BUT, has anyone ever heard of Maple Street Grill? It's a locally owned restaurant in Buffalo and I LOVE IT! If we go Saturday night we can eat there! Done! I made this executive decision on Wednesday while I was on the phone with my dad. I was SO worried yesterday that I wouldn't feel like eating that on Saturday. I think I'll be fine! As a matter of fact I already know what I'm going to order...Black jack steak with a baked potato and salad! YUMMY! I love food!
Happy Birthday Amber!!! I hope you feel better and get your steak and sushi for your birthday!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Of coarse everyone thinks their kids are great but I think I might have the sweetest little girl ever. I am getting them ready to go get an old fashion photo taken...that, for the record, is NOT my style and my mom insisted on it AND I am 99% sure I won't purchase.....Anyway, I got my butt kicked at work today and am super tired. Will is tugging on my shirt as we speak because he can not handle me sitting, (anywhere) especially at the computer! I got online to check my email and my regular blogs. Congrats Alysen!!!! I thought I might sneak in five minutes of peace. Averi is bouncing off the walls because she gets to pick her own outfit for the pics! HA! She says she is picking something like Kathy would pick....Little does she is NOT going to be "her fashion!" That makes me laugh out loud!!!! So, I sat sown at the computer and nicely ask her to please calm down for just a few minutes so I can read something. She said yes mam and stood there starring at me for about 30 seconds until she started climbing up my chair and put her head next to mine, never saying a word.......I let her sit there for a few minutes and finally started to ask her what she was doing. She stopped me and said, "SHHH! I can tell your thinking about something and I want to hear it!" :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Name change
Brownie's name has been changed to Yankee. Averi made the official change today when she brought her friend Zoe to meet him.......That's all I have for today....gotta watch my shows. And I'm reading The Shack and can't put it down. It is really good and very thought provoking. Exercise your brain...READ! I guess you are. I wonder if blogs count? Enjoy your evening!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hi! Hope everyone is enjoying the cold, wet, Fall weather! I just made Bucky lunch and put Will down for a nap. After we ate, Bucky was walking out the door and my mom called. All I could hear was her yelling, "Averi talk to your mom and tell her the horses are out, all of them!" So I grabbed Bucky and asked him to stay here and told him I'd be right back. I headed to Mom's in a panic. As I turned on her road she called again and said I don't see yours but mine is in the yard. Me: Did you catch him? Mom: No Me: Did you look in the pasture for mine? Mom: No but you don't have to come Terry is on his way. Me: I'm on the road I'll be right there........I pulled in, her horse looked at me and never moved. I ran into the pasture calling for Vita and Fuente and the two darling fatties were standing there eating grass, oblivious to the fact that the gate had been WIDE open all morning! I LOVE them! So, a little drama but no physical exertion! I caught Sonny for mom and Terry fixed the gate. Only a 20 minute delay in Bucky's strict work schedule! Thank goodness he was home for that one! :)
I keep forgetting to tell you we got a little but feisty surprise over the weekend! ANOTHER HORSE! Sigh.....the kids and I went to the horse sale on Friday night. No we are/were not in the market for another horse but there isn't a lot to do around here and it can be entertaining if you like that sort of thing. Most of my friends would rather pull their own teeth (Kathy!) but the other of my friends sometimes go too and then it's even more fun. By the way the horse market stinks so I like to see how good of a horse you "could" get for the money "if" you were a horse sale that is so that statement alone sort of contradicts itself...Anyway. sweet, skinny, wormy, little "Brownie" has a new home. He's a stud (for now) and he's Averi's! Thanks Mom!
I keep forgetting to tell you we got a little but feisty surprise over the weekend! ANOTHER HORSE! Sigh.....the kids and I went to the horse sale on Friday night. No we are/were not in the market for another horse but there isn't a lot to do around here and it can be entertaining if you like that sort of thing. Most of my friends would rather pull their own teeth (Kathy!) but the other of my friends sometimes go too and then it's even more fun. By the way the horse market stinks so I like to see how good of a horse you "could" get for the money "if" you were a horse sale that is so that statement alone sort of contradicts itself...Anyway. sweet, skinny, wormy, little "Brownie" has a new home. He's a stud (for now) and he's Averi's! Thanks Mom!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Moose Meat
Hi! Sorry I'm a cruddy blogger again. Blame it on my husband. Just kidding! He gets points this week because he just went with me and the kids to see Kathy and her kids. Don't get me wrong, he LOVES Kathy. He does not love "car rides in go karts when your sitting on top of loud kids!" See, I have yet to see my "new car" and am STILL driving the "cat car" so, we borrowed my mom's to take to Iowa. It's little but we only spent $24 on gas! Kathy had dinner ready on Sat. when we got there and that made it all worth it for Bucky. BEEF! Ah, yummy, juicy red meat! I love it!
Now let me explain, Bucky brought home moose from Canada......yeah, moose, that we're supposed to EAT. And that means....cook.....and I don't know how to COOK MOOSE! Nor do I care to ever learn....Anyway, the first couple of times Bucky grilled some and I tried it and I have to say it was not that bad. The very first time I tried it I sorta let myself think it was good. That idea was clouded by the fact that we have the equivalent to three beefs in moose meat and it was free (sort of). Since I've known Bucky I have been conned into trying several random animals that he or his dad OR MOM has shot. I don't like them. In my opinion that SHOULD get you off the hook for EVER being expected to eat them again, but, oh no! It's the exact same conversation every time we eat at Bucky's parents'. "Try it, try it again! You'll like it this time." And guess what? I never stinkin' like "it".
By the way, I'm never rude about it. I just quietly fix my plate and eat and hope that Frank doesn't zero in on what I do or don't have on my plate. Ha! This is funny. If I ever do slide by without him calling me out. The next time we eat there he tells me exactly what I ate last time and that he knew I liked it only because I didn't know what it was. Yeah right! I call that manners, NOT ignorance!
So, that should help you better understand my appreciation for a great big steak! I'm off to the grocery store.........Mandi, I named this blog entry just for you!
Now let me explain, Bucky brought home moose from Canada......yeah, moose, that we're supposed to EAT. And that means....cook.....and I don't know how to COOK MOOSE! Nor do I care to ever learn....Anyway, the first couple of times Bucky grilled some and I tried it and I have to say it was not that bad. The very first time I tried it I sorta let myself think it was good. That idea was clouded by the fact that we have the equivalent to three beefs in moose meat and it was free (sort of). Since I've known Bucky I have been conned into trying several random animals that he or his dad OR MOM has shot. I don't like them. In my opinion that SHOULD get you off the hook for EVER being expected to eat them again, but, oh no! It's the exact same conversation every time we eat at Bucky's parents'. "Try it, try it again! You'll like it this time." And guess what? I never stinkin' like "it".
By the way, I'm never rude about it. I just quietly fix my plate and eat and hope that Frank doesn't zero in on what I do or don't have on my plate. Ha! This is funny. If I ever do slide by without him calling me out. The next time we eat there he tells me exactly what I ate last time and that he knew I liked it only because I didn't know what it was. Yeah right! I call that manners, NOT ignorance!
So, that should help you better understand my appreciation for a great big steak! I'm off to the grocery store.........Mandi, I named this blog entry just for you!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Morning! Hope everyone is adjusting well to the time change! Will woke up at 5 on Sunday morning! What? Last night Averi kept crying about her stomach hurting. We thought she just ate too much Halloween candy........She went to bed about 8:45 and at 1am she was throwing up. Poor baby! SO, I was up with her around 6 and guess what, Will slept until 8! Of coarse Bucky was in bed with him and he said he goes back to sleep because he sings to him. I guess I need a better singing voice! I sing to him! It just doesn't work that well for me!
I am super excited about Christmas this year. I'm usually a Scrooge until about the week before but I think I would put my tree up today if I had time! Not sure why the change of heart but I CAN NOT WAIT to shop and decorate and cook and eat. By the way as I type this Averi is yelling, "I want that! Momma, look! I want that!" At EVERY commercial! The last one was that make your own Build-a-bear kit. She says it every single time there is a girl toy on TV. It's pretty funny, actually! I can remember doing that. I guess she will be easy to shop for this year. Not sure what the little wild man will get. My mom thinks he "needs" a riding toy because he LOVES to ride in Averi's Barbie Jeep. I think he would like it but I'm not sure he could make it go yet. And I think it would be much more fun to give him something like that when he's big enough to ask for it. Sounds much more exciting to me.....Surely there is a happy medium on the market that I haven't seen yet. Any ideas? Have a good day!
I am super excited about Christmas this year. I'm usually a Scrooge until about the week before but I think I would put my tree up today if I had time! Not sure why the change of heart but I CAN NOT WAIT to shop and decorate and cook and eat. By the way as I type this Averi is yelling, "I want that! Momma, look! I want that!" At EVERY commercial! The last one was that make your own Build-a-bear kit. She says it every single time there is a girl toy on TV. It's pretty funny, actually! I can remember doing that. I guess she will be easy to shop for this year. Not sure what the little wild man will get. My mom thinks he "needs" a riding toy because he LOVES to ride in Averi's Barbie Jeep. I think he would like it but I'm not sure he could make it go yet. And I think it would be much more fun to give him something like that when he's big enough to ask for it. Sounds much more exciting to me.....Surely there is a happy medium on the market that I haven't seen yet. Any ideas? Have a good day!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
No more single mom!!!
GOOOOOOOOD Morning! I made it one last night being a big girl! We FINALLY got to talk to Bucky yesterday!!!! Yea!!!! He called about 1:30 pm. You're not going to believe this but....I missed it! But he called right back! They were checking out and heading home so we're looking for him around lunch time today! He is going to pick the kids up when he gets here. That works perfectly because it's my late night and he usually picks them up on Wednesdays but we weren't sure he'd be here yet. I'm so glad I have my mom to help out but today, I'm tired, and so thankful I don't have to think about having to arrange other pick-up plans. Averi was so excited after talking to Bucky last night that she COULD NOT go to sleep! We ordered pizza, took baths and watched Flicka. I didn't think she would make it through it.....but.....she did! She made it through Flicka, 90210, that I DVR'd and watched at 9 and the 10 o'clock news and then she got in trouble and I had to make her think I was starring at her and make her keep her eyes closed. I'm such a mean mom, huh? Much to my dismay, she came skipping upstairs before the alarm even went off. First words, "When's my DAAAA-DY gonna be here?" Geez! Not soon enough! Did you get the part about I was already upstairs before the alarm went off? That's because Will was up before six! I would tell you the real time but I couldn't see for the first hour. We DO NOT get up that early! He must be pretty excited to see his daddy too!
I decided to have the house phone turned off because we use our cell phones for everything anyway. Bucky has some issues with how much money we spend "just to talk" . If you know him then you know HE'S not a big fan of talking I, however, AM! So, I want a new cell phone, BAD! and I want to be able to access my email and schedule appointments on it...That means we would have to upgrade our plan. Here's my dilemma, I cut the home At&t bill in half by canceling the phone and keeping the Internet. I'm wondering how bad I need Internet at home if I have it on my (hopefully) phone.....Anyone have any good advice on that? I need a plan to approach him with! :)
I decided to have the house phone turned off because we use our cell phones for everything anyway. Bucky has some issues with how much money we spend "just to talk" . If you know him then you know HE'S not a big fan of talking I, however, AM! So, I want a new cell phone, BAD! and I want to be able to access my email and schedule appointments on it...That means we would have to upgrade our plan. Here's my dilemma, I cut the home At&t bill in half by canceling the phone and keeping the Internet. I'm wondering how bad I need Internet at home if I have it on my (hopefully) phone.....Anyone have any good advice on that? I need a plan to approach him with! :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Good Afternoon! I just used my spy skills and found a phone number to the outpost where Bucky is hunting. I called inquiring about a seven day hunt and asked if at the end of the hunt they fly out in the morning or evening. I have had my phone in my pocket most of the day (except the two times Kathy called and I missed it!) because I keep thinking Bucky is going to call. I am driving myself crazy trying to calculate WHEN they will be here so I got creative. :) The man on the phone asked where I was calling from and I spilled my guts! I told him actually I have family hunting there now and I was just wondering when they would fly out. He was SO awesome! He introduced himself, Kevin, asked my name, asked if Frank was my explained that Bucky is my husband. He went on to tell me that they had to wait a day to fly out so they will be hunting an extra day (thank goodness I called, I would have been a nervous wreck!) and will be out my noon tomorrow to start their 24 hour road trip! He told me that 3 out of 4 Moose tags were filled, Reve got the biggest one and no one got a bear yet, maybe tonight.....Such a nice guy! AND he didn't even care that I'm stalker! :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Feet Stink!
Hi! Fuente has an abscess....a yucky infection in his foot from stepping on something on the trail rock , maybe? Anyway, what that really means is MORE WORK!!!! I have to stall him.....I don't have a stall.....and soak his hoof in warm water and Epsom salt twice a day, clean out the hole in his hoof with a syringe dry it all off and put a boot on it.... Did I mention that his back leg ways more than me? It's quite fun trying to do that by myself! BUT thank God for good friends and uncles that love you! My friend Giela is letting me use one of her stalls....the nice big one for the mammas and babies! Thank you Giela! And thank you Uncle Clark for being at my service at the perfect time! He happened to call me as the vet was checking Fuente out and said he would just come out to my moms in a few minutes. He got there about the time Vance (the vet) was telling me that in order for this abscess to heal properly he would need to be stalled ASAP! Nice! (I don't have a trailer either but if you know anyone that wants to sell one cheap contact Bucky Coleman! I know they don't cost as much as two week trips to Canada! ) So, my super nice uncle Clark hopped in the truck, went to get his trailer and gave us a ride to Giela's. SOOOO nice of him! I know he had better things to do on a Friday night than taxi my (pain in the butt, that I love so much) horse and I all over the county!
Averi had tons of fun at her Aunt Amber's. Amber said she never even got sad at bedtime! (Sniff) My little girl has successfully accomplished her first "slumber party", after several failed attempts at friends and neighbors! When I picked her up from Amber they had been to the mall! The pet store, play land , lunch, Libby Lu and the Cookie Factory to be exact! She came home with a new Hannah Montana dress up pink and sparkly, a dance bag and she and Kolby got matching Hannah t-shirts! Thanks Aunt Amber! She's in love! She actually has the dress on now and is sure she is wearing it to my moms Pampered Chef party we are going to later! I really want to have another baby but man, I'm not sure there's room in our house for two princesses! The whole time I was pregnant with Will, Bucky said,"What if it's a girl? " I laughed at him but, seriously? She says boys are too wild and she REALLY wants a baby sister but......not sure she would like her so much once she got here!
On that note CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA AND MATT!!! WELCOME BARRON LEE RASSE,10-17-08 7:08 PM, 8 1/2 LBS, 19 in. SO perfect! Name, hair, skin, love him! THAT'S why I have baby fever! :)
Averi had tons of fun at her Aunt Amber's. Amber said she never even got sad at bedtime! (Sniff) My little girl has successfully accomplished her first "slumber party", after several failed attempts at friends and neighbors! When I picked her up from Amber they had been to the mall! The pet store, play land , lunch, Libby Lu and the Cookie Factory to be exact! She came home with a new Hannah Montana dress up pink and sparkly, a dance bag and she and Kolby got matching Hannah t-shirts! Thanks Aunt Amber! She's in love! She actually has the dress on now and is sure she is wearing it to my moms Pampered Chef party we are going to later! I really want to have another baby but man, I'm not sure there's room in our house for two princesses! The whole time I was pregnant with Will, Bucky said,"What if it's a girl? " I laughed at him but, seriously? She says boys are too wild and she REALLY wants a baby sister but......not sure she would like her so much once she got here!
On that note CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA AND MATT!!! WELCOME BARRON LEE RASSE,10-17-08 7:08 PM, 8 1/2 LBS, 19 in. SO perfect! Name, hair, skin, love him! THAT'S why I have baby fever! :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone......Isn't it time for Bucky to come home yet? Now, I KNOW me being as busy as I am has very little to do with Bucky. (He's pretty self-sufficient!) But, I seem to have had way more free time since he's been gone.....wierd......Like today, I'm off early....that NEVER happens! My laundry it still done! What? I'm sure some of my free time has to do with having "kid food" for dinner and eating off paper plates. Try it! It totally cuts kitchen time in half! Last night we had dinner and baths finished in time to watch Grey's and E.R. and I didn't even have to rewind it! Not sure that has ever happened. I think maybe when he's home I subconsciously wait to do things because I think he's going to do them........and wait.....and No, I'm kidding! I sometimes get that Momzilla thing and think that it's not right unless I do it myself so it's really not his fault. I always tell him "I've got it!" and he believes me! :) What a lucky guy! Sorry if you're tired of hearing about Bucky. I guess I really miss him when I have a free second and I try to blog if I get time guessed it! You get to hear me whine! But only for about 5 more days!
On a more exciting note, Averi is going to spend the night with her cousin Kolby tonight. Kolby is 3 and has a friend with Down Syndrome. Tomorrow they are going to do the buddy walk at Arrowhead to help support. I signed us all up to go but I didn't realize my dates overlapped and I have a wedding to do tomorrow so I'm meeting Amber in Higginsville so Averi won't have to miss out on the fun. Just her Momma! This will be the first time she has stayed the night with anyone but my mom! I hope she doesn't give them a hard time. They live in Independence so there will be no going to get her at 3am! Saturday, when I'm finished with the wedding hair, I'll meet Amber again to pick her up and she has a birthday/costume/hayride party to go to. My little social butterfly is going to be exhausted! She had been having some meltdowns at night and crying for her daddy. :( (drama!) So I thought if I just keep her busy until she passes out....Oh, by the way, she is going to be a "sparkle fairy". Have you ever seen one of those? ME NEITHER! So when I pick her up in an hour or so we are headed to Wal-Mart so she can get everything she thinks she needs to make herself a sparkle fairy. It should be fun! Thank goodness Will isn't old enough to get a say in what he is! I think he's going to be a dog, because he's in L-O-V-E with dogs and talks about them constantly or a monster because he can say "RRRRAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" and thinks it's hilarious! But, I haven't found either costume yet so, we'll see! Hope everyone is having a great day! I'm off to meet the vet. Fuente has a sore foot from the trail ride......
On a more exciting note, Averi is going to spend the night with her cousin Kolby tonight. Kolby is 3 and has a friend with Down Syndrome. Tomorrow they are going to do the buddy walk at Arrowhead to help support. I signed us all up to go but I didn't realize my dates overlapped and I have a wedding to do tomorrow so I'm meeting Amber in Higginsville so Averi won't have to miss out on the fun. Just her Momma! This will be the first time she has stayed the night with anyone but my mom! I hope she doesn't give them a hard time. They live in Independence so there will be no going to get her at 3am! Saturday, when I'm finished with the wedding hair, I'll meet Amber again to pick her up and she has a birthday/costume/hayride party to go to. My little social butterfly is going to be exhausted! She had been having some meltdowns at night and crying for her daddy. :( (drama!) So I thought if I just keep her busy until she passes out....Oh, by the way, she is going to be a "sparkle fairy". Have you ever seen one of those? ME NEITHER! So when I pick her up in an hour or so we are headed to Wal-Mart so she can get everything she thinks she needs to make herself a sparkle fairy. It should be fun! Thank goodness Will isn't old enough to get a say in what he is! I think he's going to be a dog, because he's in L-O-V-E with dogs and talks about them constantly or a monster because he can say "RRRRAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" and thinks it's hilarious! But, I haven't found either costume yet so, we'll see! Hope everyone is having a great day! I'm off to meet the vet. Fuente has a sore foot from the trail ride......
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Hey! I thought I'd catch you up on another couple of busy weeks. Friday, Bucky left for Canada and I left on a "Chick Trail Ride" to Panther Creek. It was really nice and beautiful country! On the way down, we stopped at a neat store and I bought some much needed tack and NEW BOOTS! I love them! We rode through hundreds of Texas Longhorns. It was so neat. We slept in, rode for a while, had some lunch, rode some more, ate more, hung out around the camp fire and laughed all night! Very relaxing and much needed! Bucky got to Kenora (sp.) on Saturday night. That's a day earlier then they were supposed to arrive. They are being flown into the woods on one of those boat/planes and dropped off at the cabin. They will be checked on every other day! And, did I mention there are no land line phones that far out and of course no cell phone towers? I sure hope they are careful! It doesn't sound very safe to me but I'm not a big hunter. Especially not BEAR!
I have to brag on myself a little....I am being quite brave this time! Usually, I chicken out all together and stay at my mom's or something but not this time! I have been staying home and I actually am enjoying it! I'm getting a lot done and having fun being home with the kiddos. Yesterday I was really thinking I would love to be a stay at home mom......until about bedtime. Then I was asking myself why I didn't get these kids out of the house for a while today? They were getting a little stir crazy. We aren't used to being home much before baths and bedtime. No one knew what to think of being home the entire day. My strategy is to come home well before sunset so I don't think about it getting dark and I don't have time to get scared before I fall asleep! Tonight I'm going to dinner with my friends for Becca's birthday. That will be fun, hope they don't mind if I leave before dark! Just Kidding! Averi is at school and I went ahead and took Will to the sitter because it was pouring outside and I didn't want to get him out twice. He seems to do better about staying earlier in the morning anyway. I'm not sure what to do with all this alone time so I think I'm going to mop the floor and get in the shower....ALONE! Have a great day!
I have to brag on myself a little....I am being quite brave this time! Usually, I chicken out all together and stay at my mom's or something but not this time! I have been staying home and I actually am enjoying it! I'm getting a lot done and having fun being home with the kiddos. Yesterday I was really thinking I would love to be a stay at home mom......until about bedtime. Then I was asking myself why I didn't get these kids out of the house for a while today? They were getting a little stir crazy. We aren't used to being home much before baths and bedtime. No one knew what to think of being home the entire day. My strategy is to come home well before sunset so I don't think about it getting dark and I don't have time to get scared before I fall asleep! Tonight I'm going to dinner with my friends for Becca's birthday. That will be fun, hope they don't mind if I leave before dark! Just Kidding! Averi is at school and I went ahead and took Will to the sitter because it was pouring outside and I didn't want to get him out twice. He seems to do better about staying earlier in the morning anyway. I'm not sure what to do with all this alone time so I think I'm going to mop the floor and get in the shower....ALONE! Have a great day!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sorry about the sideways pics. I couldn't edit them because it said the file was damaged...Whatever...My computer is always telling me crap that I don't understand...At least I got them on here! :) Congrats Colby and Kyle! We made it through the super busy wedding weekend and had a great time! We were not late for anything! We didn't forget anything! The kids were angels, except for a little dispute with Averi about "her fashion". Oh, thanks for the help with the dress thing! Linsey let me borrow a couple and that was a BIG stress reliever. We stopped in Columbia and shopped a little on the way but there would have been no way I could have found something in that short time with both of my little helpers! We had Bucky drop us off at the mall while he went downtown to pick up his tux. We agreed on a time to meet and.......i left my phone in the car.......and I didn't wear a, we were like an hour late to meet him. Oops! He was a little late too. He had to wait for a parade! Ha! I thought it was a little funny that I was even more late then that but needless to say he was not amused! Averi and Will looked super cute for the wedding. Averi got her first updo and thought she was hot stuff! By the end of the night Will was passed out on my shoulder, she was requesting "Miley" and Bucky had to drag her off the dance floor! We all had so much fun! Did I mention that everything was BEAUTIFUL?!?!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I need a dress!
Hey! Hope everyone had a good week! We have had a busy but good one. We bought a rental house! Not sure what we got ourselves into but we'll hope for the best! Averi has a sinus infection and an ear infection but is taking her medicine like a champ! She even has nose spray and so far she likes it....she says it tickles...the little weirdo! I won't take that stuff! Will is getting eight teeth! Eight! At the same time! Bucky has spent the entire day trying to fix whatever it is that is causing our basement to get wet. I sure hope he figures it out soon! I made an appointment with Dry Basement and am secretly hoping he'll just have them do it. They guarantee it for life. Sounds like a no brainer to me but I'm sure it will be WAY more expensive than all of his ideas.
Anyway our friends Jeff and Erica got married yesterday and it was SO beautiful. I hadn't been to a reception at Marshall's new civic center. It was so nice! I'm really excited that we have a new place for events like that. Next weekend our friends Kyle and Colby are getting married in Hermann. I'm so excited for them! On that note, I need a dress ASAP! I never shop online but really do not have time to get to the city to find something. If you know of any cool places online please let me know. Bucky does have to go to Columbia to get his tux one day before Fri. but I'm super busy at work and probably can't go with him. Maybe I should just ask him to go pick something! Ha! No telling what he would come home with! He is a great shopper, especially when it comes to shoes and jewelry...but...not sure about a dress......Have a great night!
Anyway our friends Jeff and Erica got married yesterday and it was SO beautiful. I hadn't been to a reception at Marshall's new civic center. It was so nice! I'm really excited that we have a new place for events like that. Next weekend our friends Kyle and Colby are getting married in Hermann. I'm so excited for them! On that note, I need a dress ASAP! I never shop online but really do not have time to get to the city to find something. If you know of any cool places online please let me know. Bucky does have to go to Columbia to get his tux one day before Fri. but I'm super busy at work and probably can't go with him. Maybe I should just ask him to go pick something! Ha! No telling what he would come home with! He is a great shopper, especially when it comes to shoes and jewelry...but...not sure about a dress......Have a great night!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
4 down, 1 to go!
Well, we made it through our super busy weekend! It was lots of fun. Averi and her friends had a great time. She had a Luau. They ate lunch, played "hot coconut", opened presents and THEN had dance party in our living room. They were cracking us up. Mandi's shower was.....well....the few snacks I got to inhale were good and I heard lots of laughter so I think she had fun. See, Will was having a REALLY hard time during the shower. We hung out in the spare bedroom while he screamed and I tried to get him to go to sleep. Averi was in the "behave like your mom's gone" mode, thank goodness. She got to see all the sweet baby things Mandi got. I'm really sorry I had to miss that but I think I would have been more sorry for everyone else if they had to listen to my screaming boy any longer. She waited to open the gift we got her until we could finally exit the bedroom. That was really nice of her and I was super excited about it so, thanks Mandi!
We went to a birthday party at the YMCA for Averi's friend from school and she had a great time playing on the slides. For favors, she gave treat bags tied to those plastic sparkly batons! I thought that was SUCH a cute idea. I think the boy's were tied to rolled up comic books. How creative! After that we had Aubrey's 8TH (holy cow, she should not be that old!) birthday party! It was really fun too! The girls had another dance party. I LOVE to watch them break it down. Averi also informed me of three more things that she is expecting to get on her "real birthday" tomorrow at her "family party". Nice! I'm finished shopping to say the least and we don't have a Toys R Us! Oh, to be five! I can't believe she is so big! We were in Wal-Mart the other night shopping for my mom a birthday gift and I seriously had to pull myself together! I wanted to just sit down in isle seven a bawl. She had on little cotton shorts, a sweatshirt with her t-shirt hanging out the bottom, flip-flops and her hair was on a messy bun. She looked like a mini teenager. When it's just us two she always wants to pretend I'm not the mom. Usually, she wants us to be "sisters and we're teenagers and our mom let us come here all by ourselves!" That makes it even worse! I usually play along but not that day! I was like, "NO! I'm your mom and your my little girl now let's shop for your Nana!" That same night she stayed the night with my mom and I was super sad that she was going. I kept saying, Are you sure you want to sleep there? I'll come get you." And she told me if I didn't want her to go just say no. Okay, I'll quit blubbering about my baby (big) girl!
I am super excited that we got to hang out with Kathy, Otey, Cooper and Grady over the past two weeks! They are so much fum! We went to their camper one afternoon and I'm not kidding that thing was rockin'! Our kids have lots of fun together. It helps that they have (excellent) laid back parents! For example, they were jumping on Coopers bed, flipping the mattress over and wrestling! Otey WAS napping until we showed up! Sorry Otey! But thanks for sharing your superfun kiddos! Okay, gonna get ready for another big day tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Here I go again!
You can thank Kathy for my posting again! All she has to do is threaten to kick me off her super cool blog list! Gets me everytime! Since I last blogged I gave up on the so called"easy" task of uploading pictures on here. I am working on it. Just tried to do a cool one one from our last session with Kathy and it wouldn't let me so, guess what...she gets to do it for me. And just to let you know she is shooting half of MO this weekend so it could be a while. So sorry I am so computer illiterate! I have had major issues with my camera, other people cameras that I thought would work with my USB cord and those cameras software that won't download to my computer because my hard drive is full! HUH? I have NO clue how to fix that. Those of you that are cracking up at my ignorance, feel free to email me with directions and I would LOVE to put some pictures on here! Seriously, how boring is a post with no pics? Wait, post? How about a WHOLE blog without pictures?B-O-R-R-I-N-G! I am just wondering how long it will take for people to actually start checking this again. If you do you should leave me a comment. It just might motivate me to blog more than once every six months. I'm headed to dinner with a friend tonight, work late tomorrow night, dance Thurs, MVC Rodeo Fri, Averi 5th B-day Luau Sat, Mandi shower Sat evening, wedding shower and Aub's 8th B-day party on Sun SO! 'Till next week! :)
Friday, June 27, 2008
New Blog!
I figured no more than I blog, why not go the free route? I am blogging in fear of being deleted from the "link list" on Kathy's blog! I really do love the idea of a blog but I think I like reading other people's more than I like to blog myself. Selfish, I know! It's not that I don't "like" to blog, I do! I crack myself up! It just takes me a lot longer to type than read.
Can you believe my BABY is going to be ONE on Sunday? I can't! I used to roll my eyes at those goofy moms that said things like, "It seems like yesterday....."! But I feel like I just had him! I know he's bigger with longer hair and he won't hardly hold still long enough to rock but.....he's still a baby! You hear that, 100 people that have been to High Maintenance and said, "He's not even a baby anymore!"? Yes he is, darn it! Until Kathy has her baby and Mandi has her baby HE and KENNEDY are the babies! Wait! Congratulations Kristen and Pat on your beautiful baby girl, Ava! She's THE baby now but we don't live in the same town. :)
I hope blogspot is easy to post pictures! I can't wait to share ones of the birthday party. It's a construction theme! Happy Friday!
Can you believe my BABY is going to be ONE on Sunday? I can't! I used to roll my eyes at those goofy moms that said things like, "It seems like yesterday....."! But I feel like I just had him! I know he's bigger with longer hair and he won't hardly hold still long enough to rock but.....he's still a baby! You hear that, 100 people that have been to High Maintenance and said, "He's not even a baby anymore!"? Yes he is, darn it! Until Kathy has her baby and Mandi has her baby HE and KENNEDY are the babies! Wait! Congratulations Kristen and Pat on your beautiful baby girl, Ava! She's THE baby now but we don't live in the same town. :)
I hope blogspot is easy to post pictures! I can't wait to share ones of the birthday party. It's a construction theme! Happy Friday!
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